Date: 25-06-2018
LOCATION: Anna van Hannoverstraat 4 Former Premise Social Affairs

The Hague Street Art was approached for an incredibly beautiful project again.

We always find the input of those involved very valuable, and especially in this project it played a very emphatic role.

The former SoZaWe (Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment) building, situated in front of the “Laan van NOI” railway station in The Hague, has been given a new purpose by VORM Development and MRP Development. The building is now inhabited by status holders, refugees with a temporary residence permit, and young residents since March of 2018. This building will also play an enormous role in the development of the Central Innovation District, in which it is situated, and will give it a huge boost.

To turn this building into a beautiful, vibrant and inspiring environment, THSA was approached to help create, together with the status holders, a number of beautiful murals. Artists Tobias Becker-Hoff, Davy de Ronde, Daan Wille and Mike Freeke met with the status holders several times and gathered a considerable range of ideas for a powerful design during these meetings. The status holders had to take the “The Hague Icons” project into account, challenging them to translate the icons from their culture into a mural when presenting ideas.


Meanwhile, one of the outer walls now boasts a beautiful mural depicting a number of icons from Sudan, Syria and Eritrea. The collaboration and the beautiful result produced a lot of enthusiastic reactions. In the coming weeks a second mural in the building will be made and we cannot wait for the result!